Your business deals in risky situations every day that can cost you money. That means you can make more money if you understand how to manage risk and reduce liabilities.
The restoration business deals in risky situations everyday that can cost you money. That means you can make more money if you understand how to manage risk and reduce liabilities. In this webinar recording of Liability: Your Hidden Commodity, we show you how to know when the risk is worth the reward.
Whether you’re mitigation-only or a full-service restoration company, it’s important to know how to manage your risk. In this webinar, Encircle’s Kris Rzesnoski shared the lessons he learned the hard way from 15 years in the restoration industry. Watch the webinar to learn how to make trade-offs between risk and revenue, detect situations where liability exists, and reduce liability using Encircle.

Kris Rzesnoski, CR, WLS, FLS, CLS, RTPE
Vice President, Encircle
With over 15 years of experience in the restoration and insurance industries, Kris is committed to driving Encircle’s delivery of intuitive, easy-to-use solutions that improve productivity and profitability. Kris currently sits on the RIA’s Restoration Council, Canadian Education Committee, and is the Chairman of the Estimating Committee.